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Chinese translation for "flooding irrigation"


Related Translations:
irrigation:  n.1.灌溉;水利。2.【医学】冲洗(法),〔pl.〕冲注洗剂。短语和例子bring the farmland under irrigation使农田水利化。 an irrigation canal [channel] 灌溉渠。 an irrigation project 灌溉计划。adj.-al ,-ist n.灌溉者,水利专家。
lift irrigation:  抽水灌溉。
furrow irrigation:  沟灌。
trickle irrigation:  【农业】滴灌〔以小直径穿孔软管置于土壤中,每隔一段时间缓慢给水的一种灌溉法〕。
flood:  n.1.洪水,水灾。2.溢流,涨水,潮水最高点,泛滥,汹涌。3.〔诗〕河,湖,海。4.充溢,丰富;大量,一大阵,滔滔不绝。5.〔口语〕泛光灯,探照灯 (= flood light)。短语和例子ebb and flood 低潮与高潮。 golden flood 一片阳光。 floods of ink 连篇累牍。 floods of rain 倾盆大雨。 a flood of
flooding:  n.1.泛滥;灌溉。2.充溢。3.【化学】溢流;(分馏时的)液阻现象;(油漆干燥或加热时的)变色。4.【医学】血崩;产后出血。
flash flood:  暴洪〔暴雨造成的急发性大洪水〕。
flood control:  治洪,防洪,洪水调节〔如修理水闸、水库、河堤等〕。
flood level:  最高洪水位,洪水警戒线。
flood plain:  泛滥平原;涝原,漫滩。
Example Sentences:
1.The amount of nitrogen leached was increased with the increasing amount of water applied . and compared to the treatment of fertilizer added as flooding irrigation ( fif ) , the treatment of fertilizer added in drip irrigation ( dif ) significantly decreased the nitrogen leached
2.Three wheat cultivars , yannong 19 ( with spread plant type ) , jimai 20 ( with semi - spread plant type ) and taishan 23 ( with erect plant type ) , were used to investigate the wue ( water use efficiency ) change under raised bed planting with furrow irrigation and conventional flat planting with flood irrigation
摘要为寻找提高小麦水分利用效率的途径,以株型扩张品种烟农19 、株型紧凑品种泰山23和株型半扩张品种济麦20为材料,比较研究了垄作(小水沟内渗灌)和平作(大水漫灌)两种栽培模式下小麦的水分利用效率。
3.In recent years , the water - saving and control irrigation technique of rice has diverted from plot experimental and demonstration to lare scale . and has got remarkable economic and social benefits . amed at the characteristics of this irrigation area , optimal selection for water - saving techniques of rice , deciding the amout of leaching water and irrigation modles , investigating the adaptability of the water - saving and control irrigation technique in saline land . studying the increase in production mechanism of the technique are important to extend the technique , to better and develop saline land as well as slick spots . according to the results of field experiments , optimization study was conducted on the water - saving irrigation technique of rice in saline land , the effects of different water - saving irrigation techniques on the physiological indexes and yield of rice were systematically analyzed . by using mutiplepurpose fuzzy optimization method , better . water - saving irrigation technique was selector out , that is . the control irrigation technique in rice . the mechanism of it was analyzed from the aspect of the physiological and ecological saving water of rice to provide the implemental process and technical point ; throgh the quantitive analysis and comparision on control irrigation and control class ( flood irrigation ) , high production and quality mechanism of the technique was analyzed in terms of physiology indexes of rice , the variation of soil moisture , the pest resistance and the lodge resistance , the change of soil temperature in paddy fields . the yield constitutive factors , the quality of rice and so on . in saline land . control irrigation and intermittent leaching modles were adopted to validate the adaptability of the technique in irrigation of rice in saline land , to analyze rice ' s physiological - ecological indexes and the change of soil salt content under the conditions of control irrigation leaching of rice and and to provide control irrigation and combined modle of intermittent leaching to adapt to different conditions
4.Rice , one of the three major crops in the ningxia irrigation area of yellow river . is widely planted . the traditional irrigation techniques of rice are flood irrigation and deep storage . which need more water consumption and have higher application volumes . with the increase in population , the development of industrial and agricultural production and the uniform catchment agreement for the water resource of yellow river , the supplying and demand contradiction of the water resources in ningxia is more evident , then drang is presented for developing water - saving and efficient agriculture
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